
Pills Powders Teas

What are Chinese herbs?

Chinese Herbs are very useful in restoring and maintaining balance and health. Contrary to popular belief, Chinese Medical Practitioners rarely advise the  use of one herb per illness. When suffering from a headache, it is very common  to take aspirin. However, Chinese Medicine offers many different reasons that  you may have this headache. Once the root of the problem is determined, specific herbs that target that syndrome would be used. Therefore, it is crucial to  see an herbalist to properly diagnose the problem and then pick the appropriate  herbs.

Chinese herbs are rarely used individually.  Instead, the herbs are combined into formulas that are very balanced to avoid unwanted side effects. These formulas have been used for thousands of years and are quite sophisticated.

Pills, powders or teas?

Herbs can be taken in several different ways. The 3 most common forms are  pills, powder, or raw tea. There are pros and cons to each form:

Pills: Pills are easy to take and are generally inexpensive. They are very good for chronic, long-term problems as they have a higher rate of  patient compliance and they stay in the body longer as they are digested  more slowly. However, they are not as potent as powder or tea.

Powder: Powders are slightly stronger than pills. Powders are easy to transport and only need to be mixed with a bit of warm water. They are somewhat  more expensive and often do not taste good.

Tea: Cooking the raw herbs into a tea is the most potent way to take  herbs. The big drawback is that it takes time to cook the tea every other day and they generally taste bad...really bad.  I’m only being honest!

Why take herbs?

I find that my patients generally improve more quickly when they take herbs  in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. Think of it this way: acupuncture  is like going to class. You are with the teacher and you are actively learning.  When you go home, you need to do your homework so you don’t forget what  you’ve learned. The herbs are your body’s homework!

It is very important to tell your practitioner what other medications you  are taking so that interactions can be avoided.


  • Joanna is the best! She continues to save me from my many stress induced ailments. I call her my magician because she pokes me with her needles and takes away my pain. My first most noticeable physical change was after only 3 months, she was able to rid me of my monthly cramps. This seemed impossible because I use to faint from pain, miss school when I was younger and regularly take boat loads of over the counter pain relievers during my girl time. At first I thought it was just one spectacular pain free month, but then I realized month after month....no more cramps! Yeah!!! She has also been able to help me with panic attacks, sleep issues and overall stress reduction. Joanna is knowledgeable about Modern medicine and Chinese medicine so she understands the benefit of both types of treatment. Joanna truly cares about her client’s mental and physical health. She loves to help people feel better and has a true talent with her needles. I'm addicted for life!


  • I admit it, I was skeptical of acupuncture until I tried it. Joanna Shell's office is clean and the atmosphere relaxing. I was suffering from lower back pain sciatica. I decided that I was going to improve my situation by doing whatever it took and I threw my skepticism aside and visited Joanna. It took several visits before all of my pain was gone, but I noticed immediate improvement. Joanna's professionalism and knowledge was clear and I recommend her whenever I am asked about acupuncture and it's merit. What I also really appreciate about Joanna beyond her skill is her sense of humor. She simply knows how to make you feel comfortable when your body is anything but ...


  • Aaaaaamazing! I went to Joanna the Friday before running my first half marathon. I wasn't expecting much because I have had acupuncture before and didn't end up with significant results. I initially said I was looking for "general relaxation," as I hadn't been able to sleep very well that week and was afraid that I wouldn't sleep at all that night due to the anxiety of my half. As I filled out the paperwork, I remembered that I have some shoulder pain that I am also ready to be done with, so I put that down as a concern. Joanna exudes compassion and made me feel extremely comfortable. After having me lie on the table and sticking me with some needles, she left the room. I was out like a light. I have no idea how long she was gone, but I went slept so deeply and snored so loudly that I startled myself TWICE. And when I got up, the shoulder pain I'd been experiencing x minutes earlier was no longer there. I felt great. I had hoped the ability to sleep soundly would follow me into the night and it did. I felt well rested for my half the next day and was able to complete the course without the shoulder pain I had been expecting to feel. Thank you, Joanna!
