What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years. 

It is primary care, just a different medicine than many are used to.

What does acupuncture feel like?

Acupuncture needles are very fine needles that are virtually painless. Occasionally,  one might experience a slight sensation, similar to that of a bug bite, upon insertion. This sensation disappears quickly and completely. But you will feel a sensation once the needles are inserted and manipulated or twisted. This sensation, referred to as qi, may feel like a dull ache, tingling, heaviness,  or itching. This is normal if not somewhat bizarre the first time!

How does it work?

Many people ask me how acupuncture works. I like to describe acupuncture as a traffic cop, keeping the traffic flowing and avoiding traffic jams, which  cause unnecessary headaches, irritability, and frustration! Everyone has qi  (often translated as energy) and blood, which is the traffic in my analogy. Different factors, such as life, illnesses, or stress can deplete qi and blood or causes them to become stuck like a traffic jam. By inserting needles into certain acupuncture points with specific functions, acupuncturists are able  to influence and direct the qi and blood.  This results in the smooth flow of energy and the ability to create more energy and blood. If only the Bay Bridge traffic would flow so smoothly.

Where are the points?

There are countless acupuncture points on the body, the head, face,  ear, hands, feet, arms, legs, back and everywhere. These points lie on certain  meridians, or pathways, in which your qi and blood flow.  Each point has specific functions and indications as well as defined locations, depths, and angles  for needle insertion. Which points to use depends on the diagnosis for each  patient and any symptoms that need to be addressed.

How do I prepare?

How to prepare before an acupuncture treatment:

  • Do not exercise 2 hours prior to treatment or 2 hours after.

  • Be sure to eat before treatment. Otherwise, you may experience lightheadedness.

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

  • Prepare to relax!

All the needles that I use are disposable; they are used once and then safely discarded for your protection!

  • Low Energy

  • Pain & Sports Injuries

  • Migraines

  • Menopausal Symptoms

  • Common Cold & Flu

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Health Maintenance

What can be treated with Acupuncture and Herbs?

  • Infertility

  • Stress

  • Addiction

  • Digestive Issues

  • Weight Management

  • PMS & Gynecology

  • Insomnia

  • Facial Rejuvenation


  • Joanna is amazing. I went to her for help before and during my pregnancy. She totally put me at ease, and I felt wonderful during and after each visit. Joanna is extremely personable and instantly feels like someone you've known for a long time. I have recommended her to many of my friends and co-workers. I've been to plenty of acupuncturists in SF, and Joanna is by far the best.


  • Joanna Shell truly is the "Needle Master"! I decided to give acupuncture nearly two years ago as a complement to my treatment for shoulder pain. Within just a few treatments, I had regained full mobility in my shoulder and no longer had any tingling or numbness in my fingertips. Once that issue was under control, it turned out that there wasn't a single ailment that Joanna didn't have a needle for. Digestive problems, migraines, cramps, stress/anxiety, insomnia, allergies...in the past two years, she's managed to eradicate, or greatly diminish, any problem life has thrown at me. Plus, she's just the sweetest, most compassionate person. She really gets to know her patients. She always takes the time to talk to you, she cares about what you're going through, and she always seems to know the right thing to say, no matter how great the problem. She heals you from the inside out. Joanna Shell is definitely one of a kind!


  • Joanna is fantastic. And one of the things I find most refreshing about her is that she is exactly NOT what you'd expect in an acupuncturist - not at all kooky and weirdly blissed out - just a cool chick who knows her stuff. I started seeing Joanna a few years ago on a recommendation from a friend for some neck/shoulder/headache issues - you know, the typical Bay Area afflictions. She solved those problems and more (even staved off a cold once). Because my ailments disappeared, I stopped seeing her. But a couple of weeks ago, about 6 months into my pregnancy, I decided to see if there was anything she might be able to do about a lot of pressure I'm feeling from carrying the baby low. She was very honest with me and said she couldn't make it go away entirely, but she could improve it. Well, that's been the result exactly. I feel a great deal of relief - no, it's not like I don't feel pregnant! But the improvement is well worth continuing to see her throughout the rest of the pregnancy. Thank you, Joanna!
